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Swingin' in the Rain

Nyla's swinging in the rain (or clouds, really)  at the Casa del Cielo outside Banos. With the cloud, you could not see to the bottom. Just in front of her is an active, yet hidden, volcano. Maybe it's best not to see...

Swimming with Paranas

Heading out in the evening to see what anacondas and crocodiles we could find before swimming in water populated with paranas. The guide says the paranas are typically found in the more shallow waters off to the side. Besides, he said, paranas will only bite you, they won't eat you. But I gotta tell ya, that not terribly reassuring.

What's next?

Soon, we leave for the jungle of the Amazon where we won't have any internet - actually, we won't have electricity either. (Yes, we are doing this voluntarily.) Assuming we survive and are not bitten by Paranas (we swim faster than others in our group, so this is likely), we return to Quito on Thursday night, July 23rd.