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Fun with Auntie Kate

Both Audrey and Nyla loved their playful Auntie Kate. Here she's teasing Nyla who's loving it, Melva looks on laughing along with those just outside the photo - Audrey, Uncle Scott, Eema, Bert, and Irene (as well as a few unknown MRT passengers). Auntie Kate later did an inside-out French braid and bought the girls ice cream. What could be better?

4th of July in Singapore

We got to celebrate the 4th of July in Singapore with a bunch of other Americans or folks married to Americans or folks somehow related to Americans living in or visiting Singapore. They put on a good party, complete with giant bouncy blowup slides and castles, a band singing tunes like "Born in the USA", and loads of good food. Here, the girls pose with Uncle Sam for the 4th of July in Singapore - well, it was actually the 30th of June since, for some reason, not the entire world has the 4th of July off work.

What's jet lag?

We arrived in Singapore in the middle of the night (their time) and once we arrived at Irene's mother's house, we headed straight for bed (okay, we confess, we ate some cookies first) and slept very well. We all spent the next day enjoying the warmth and sunshine in the pool. It was a nice, relaxing way to work through the jet lag. Here Nyla smiles - showing off the recent lose of her front tooth. The other front tooth is quite loose and she wonders if the Tooth Fairy can make it all the way to Laos.