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Welcome to our site for 2020!
Irene, Bert, Audrey, and Nyla
Some recent photos display above, but if you'd liketo see more, click the Gallery link in the upper right. If you want to see the fancy photos Bert takes (and some super cool panoramas) check out    

Nyla Rides Again

Nyla rides a horse (again) in Ecuador. This time at Cotopaxi. While riding, we came across several herds of wild horses which was just wild to see!

Horse Riding at Cotopaxi

Irene snapped this shot right before the horse bolted. Her hands were on the camera and not the saddle horn. Too bad the video wasn't going as she fell off as that would surely have been posted. (P.S. She didn't break anything.)

First Day at Cotopaxi

On our first afternoon here, the clouds parted for a while so we could get a glimpse of Cotopaxi - an active volcano. Wild horses abound in this area and they are magnificent to see! This inspired Nyla (and the rest of us) to go horse riding the next morning.